Tomorrow is my last day at Pomfret. I will be there for a loooong time tomorrow to see how things transition from breakfast to lunch and such.
Today I will be cooking with my Food Prep class in the Home Ec kitchen for the Walnut Grove people from 1:30 pm until we finish (maybe around 7:20ish pm).
So at Pomfret I have been doing a lot of different things. One morning I came in and squeezed a bunch of limes. First you have to roll them with your hands to break the fruit so you get more juice out of it. Then you cut it in half and take one piece and put it in a little handheld juicer.
Then, you just squeeze that sucka for all it's worth. Make sure it is being held over a pan or your sore hands are all for nothing afterwards.
I have also made taco shell bowls. That was an "interesting" experince. Actually, it was kinda boring due to the amount of time it takes to do it. Let's ask the best fry cook in the world, SpongeBob SquarePants, to tell us how it's done.
Okay, change of plans. Apparently Mr. Squarepants only knows how to cook Krabby Patties and related items. Not taco shell bowls.
You put the tortilla in between the two . Then you put it down into the . After about 40-50 seconds of holding it over the very hot oil, you finally have !!!!! After allowing it to cool and dry, it can turn into such a thing as . Now that's a work of .
Two things have happened sEnse Wednesday. Facebook became more pictorial and so did Brittany Sexton's "On Cooking." Funny Piece.